Tuesday 29 December 2015

Study Task 03
Public Information Video / Research 

This study was to choose a public information film then identify and analyse the following message, key facts, tone of voice and audience. I decided to pick 'Smoker of the future',This 1985 film uses futuristic images and music that appear to have been influenced by the 1982 film ‘Blade Runner’ which present a nightmarish vision of the first human ‘natural born smoker’.

The underlying message of this of this video is that the first natural born smoker doesn't exist so ultimately smoking still kills, my reasoning for this point is throughout the video numerous preventions of death from smoking are named but the one that stands out is this 'And of course an inbuilt resistance to heart disease, lung cancer and thrombosis, unfortunately the first natural born smoker hasn't been born' this video leads to this point and throughout it names the positives of a natural born smoker for example 'A longer nose to filter out impurities' but the final message is like a sucker punch because a natural born smoker doesn't exist. 

The key facts are the numerous positives of a natural born smoker like:
- Larger nose to filter out impurities 
- Self cleaning lungs
- Highly developed index and middle finger 
- Smaller ears because they don't listen
- Extra eyelids to protect against irritating smoke
- Inbuilt resistance to heart disease, lung cancer and thrombosis

These are all the key facts but all of them are simply fantasised positives of a natural born smoker, the real key fact is that smoking effects parts of the body named above for example lungs, eyelids and the heart. The video has a tone of voice that is formal, it states main points confidently and shows no empathy or emotion for the potential audience and sticks to the point. The audience itself is rather obvious, its directed towards smokers but also I think the future of potential smokers like teenagers. One point that sticks out is this 'Smaller ears because they don't listen' Its clear in this point who 'They' are.  

Monday 28 December 2015

Photography Induction

As a part of this module we were introduced to the photography resource, firstly we had a short presentation about the equipment available at our disposal and how we can hire the gear. Then we moved onto the technical side of the cameras, this was helpful as I'm not very familiar with the use of some of the equipment available, the focus of the session was to look at shutter speed, aperture, exposure, iso, and RAW compared to  JPEG. I was familiar with some of these terms but it was useful to recap on some such as the differences between RAW and JPEG files, before this induction I often got aperture and shutter speed mixed up for some reason but now I can differ between the two. 

After the induction we were handed a small task to try capture two different types of photos. One was to use a fast shutter speed so that you achieve a style which the the whole subject / object is in focus with depth of field, then the second type of photo was to use a slower shutter speed to achieve a motion blur, which can give the photo some context behind it as it shows the subject / object in motion.

Friday 4 December 2015

Wayfinding Location

I've decided to design wayfinding for my student accommodation,IQ. The reasoning behind this is when I first moved into the accommodation I found that the signage and wayfinding wasn't very helpful, at first the biggest problem was just locating my block, as each block didn't have a sign stating which one it was. I also find most of wayfinding and signage very temporary, by this I mean its very make-do and unfixed. The wayfinding does have a consistent style which is helpful, I will most likely adapt the colours used by IQ as they stick to a strict colour palette and work well together.

The wayfinding does have a consistent style which is helpful, I will most likely adapt the colours used by IQ as they stick to a strict colour palette and work well together.
Study Task 07
What is a book? Folds

In this study task we began to look at folding and what we may design for studio brief 01, to help my development in this studio brief I looked online at different folds found within publications.

This example of a publication shows how complex some folds can be, this publication seems to be a posterzine but is made unique due to its intricate folds that almost remind of origami. In my own publication I hope to introduce some intricate folds.

This is just a simple fold but I find it very effective and could possibly use something similar in my own publication design. I like how the fold exposes the content on the page behind it, the titling is situated on the fold which instantly draws the viewers eye. 

For the study task we had produce an A4 black and white guide to producing a folded publication, I decided to design my guide on the Duelling 'Z' Fold. 

This study task has helped me realise how important folds can be in publication design and how many folds can actually be applied to a an A4 piece of paper. Now that I've looked at numerous folds, I'm eager to choose a particular fold style to use in my own publication.
Study Task 02

Using only shape and colour I had to develop a pictogram or symbol to effectively communicate my chosen olympic activity. I had to work within the supplied grid to generate a range of potential responses before selecting the most appropriate and to consider audience, scale, contrast, impact and clarity. Before picking a sport and starting the idea process I looked at previous pictograms used at the olympic games, I analysed what makes each symbol effective in communicating the sport. 

The committee of the Olympic Games in Montreal decided to use the Munich 1972 pictograms to ensure continuity of the graphic symbols. Modifications were made to some of Otti Aicher's pictograms by Georges Huel and Pierre Yves Pelletier. The geometric lines found both on the Munich and Montreal pictograms are inspiring for my own designs as the lines draw me into the negative space surrounding the shapes but one aspect I don't like about the design is the square box surrounding each pictogram, the line weight is too thin in my opinion and serves no purpose.

The pictogram silhouettes are made up of boomerangs, generally one for the legs and two small ones for the arms. The use of boomerangs, traditional hunting tools, pays homage to Australian Aboriginal culture. The pictogram style aims to be dynamic to recall the speed and agility of the athlete. I like these pictograms the most as they have content and a story behind them unlike the generic pictograms used at other Olympic Games. 

Once I finished looking at numerous Olympic Games pictograms I decided to pick Track & Field as the Olympic sport to communicate through a pictogram, I knew I could have variety within my design as Track & Fields covers a number of sports but I wanted the basis of my design to involve a track.

These were my first initial ideas for the Track & Field pictogram, the concept is that it represent an athlete in motion within the track, somehow I had to represent an athlete in motion but represent the various sports within Track & Field. Personally I believe the athlete looks like they are passing over  the baton as a part of the relay, I decided to stick with this design as it best represents an athlete in motion. The Circle surrounding the athlete represents a track.

Above is the final pictogram for Track & Field, I've added a extra track lines as it confirms the sport it is communicating. I chose green because of it association with 'field'. Overall I think the design represents Track and Field in an almost ambiguous way.