Thursday 12 October 2017

OUGD603 - Grainger Market identity - Current identity

Analysing the current identity and artwork used by Newcastle council for the Grainger Market was helpful as it allowed me to understand what and what isn't currently working in terms of the visual side of the market. An overall statement on the visuals is that it comes across amateur and lacklustre yet functional. And at this moment in time its evidently clear the market hasn't even a clear cohesive style as everything seems haphazardly thrown together. 

The logo which appears on the website is a mix of serif and sans serif so maybe a nod towards the mix of classic and contemporary within the market, but I doubt the contextualisation of this particular logotype. The house style red features throughout the website with obvious influence from the red steel of the arcade roof but to get to the design of the website itself. Which is simple and functional and I have no doubt it'll serve anyone who visits it, yet aesthetically it is horrendous. During analysing the website and overall style I questioned who would visit the website, and although I have no concrete evidence. I do believe a younger generation would visit the site to explore what the market has to offer. Therefore a refresh of the website is needed evidently not only for a more design savvy younger generation, but also for tourists researching and new businesses interested in the market.

I discovered an advertisement for the market in NE1 magazine, its clear yet contrasting to the style of the website with the main contrast being the logotype. This time around its a italic serif which is more graceful than the websites logo. Although this advertisement is simple it is more easy on the eye than the website with a more subtle use of colour and type.

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