Monday 9 October 2017

OUGD603 - Grainger Market identity brief

Brief name : Grainger Market identity

Time scale : 1 Month

Deadline : 10th November 2017

Brief : Visual identity proposal for one of Newcastles oldest landmarks, The Grainger Market. The outcome should reflect the market in a number of visual and contextual ways yet appeal in a contemporary manner.The outcomes should be informed by research into consumers and aim to serve a purpose to help regenerate the market. Aim to think outside the brand system to express the market but examples of deliverables may include logo, logotype, website, wayfinding, display graphics, merchandise and potentially brand guidelines.

Background : The market represents Newcastle’s diverse population as well as its culture and attitude. It’s the sort of place that makes a city both liveable and affordable. So I think an iconic landmark deserves a more fitting identity as the council has granted the market a grant to regenerate the space. One aim of mine is to push it towards a younger target audience as for many years the market has been associated with older generation shoppers. Nevertheless times have changed and the space now offers independent coffee shops, record stores, retro games shops among other things.

Yet again in the market you’re likely to see an 80 year old Geordie shopping alongside one of Newcastle’s many students taking advantage of cheap produce from the traditional meat and veg stalls, and families sitting alongside young couples in the market’s seating areas. It’s still a home for an older generation of locals; but increasingly becoming a home for a new one too. Therefore both need to be represented.

Target audience : locals, students, tourists, new businesses

Mandatory requirements : A minimum of four justified deliverables

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