Saturday 14 October 2017

OUGD603 - Grainger Market identity - Strategy

Following research it was necessary to define a focus for the identity, and to have a strategic process to allow the identity of the market to move forward. From both primary and secondary research it is clear that the market proves you don’t have to completely wipe away the old to start a process of renewal. And that it’s important so serve the whole community in the process, not just the newcomers. Therefore it strikes a delicate balance, and represents Newcastle’s diverse population as well as its culture and attitude. It’s the sort of place that can mix classic and contemporary and pull it off.

One realisation during research is that the identity must reflect the people of the market, and not just the newcomers but the traditional Geordie cliental. Therefore the best solution to a future brand is to look to the past, consequently this will enable someone who's shopped there for 30 years ago to not feel out of place coming today. The subtle mix of both classic and contemporary will connect, adapt and reflect to the broad audience, but also the diverse spirit of the market, which is 'one city under one roof'.

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