Wednesday 17 May 2017

OUGD505 - Module evaluation

To conclude on the final module of second year which has definitely been the most challenging so far as I was made to consider factors I have never thought of within my work before. These considerations were mainly for studio brief 02, as I feel this is the brief that all the learning outcomes revolve around. Although I enjoyed studio brief 01 as I found it refreshing and enjoyable to undertake but couldn't relate the outcomes to the brief. For example analysing and critically evaluating the impact of social, cultural, technological and/or ethical concerns on the development of solutions to problems relevant to individual graphic design concerns.

To talk more specifically about the briefs. The first brief was a really enjoyable one to undertake all round, from research to final piece and I feel as though everything is justified and does a good job of celebrating Hyde Park Picture House. The brief opened my eyes to a number of pivotal events in the history of Leeds, it allowed me to explore a number of events that helped shape the city but in the end I was able to celebrate and communicate something that I feel is personal to me in Leeds.

My research was extensive and broad but it was highly beneficial when it came to ideas and development as I was able to have an informative reasoning behind each design decision. I enjoyed idea generation as I thought of numerous ways to celebrate this event but I felt the final poster design I did represents a number of things at the cinema. Ranging from the celebratory message, the cinema peg board influence, the identifiable yellow colour scheme of the cinema, the bespoke typeface with diamond angles which are inspired by the diamonds throughout the cinemas architecture and interior.

In terms of producing the print I chose to screen-print it and as always complications happened, nevertheless the final piece was close enough to how I digitally designed it. And it'll be good to see it alongside all the other great traditional prints in the level 4/5 exhibition.

To move onto the second brief which made me work within a small time constraint which ultimately prepares me for third year but also industry. When brainstorming potential issues to investigate I struggled at first as we were encouraged to relate this problem to ourself. A number social, political and ethical issues bother me but not necessarily affect me on a day to day basis at this moment in time. Therefore I found it hard to investigate issues to research further until I came across the issue of ageing.

Looking back on the brief maybe I'd change a number of things like my time management but I don't regret the issue I chose, it opened my eyes to both ageing and ageism which are two unexpected huge parts of our life. Through research it shaped my ideas to instil images of vibrant, engaged, funny, feisty, perceptive, talented, passionate, compassionate older people. Older people who not only have experience but still seek it. And through my outcomes I feel as though I achieved this. This brief also made me think about my work in real life and whether or not it could exist outside my blog. With some fine tuning I feel as though it could mature into a bigger brief and more rounded. And this fine tuning could have happened if I had more time but this is down to time management and acceptance with my work. Although time management may have caused confusion, time away from the brief allowed my thoughts to evolve which presented new paths in research but also new ways of thinking when under pressure.

Overall this module has helped me realise my process but also allowed my own style to evolve. Ive noticed a theme of bold type and bold colour feature throughout this brief so maybe this is something to build on in third year.

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