Sunday 14 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio brief 02 - Idea development

For early development of the ideas for the posters and placards I sketched a number of visual ideas I had in mind which used the slogans and messages as the main element of the design. The initial sketches acted as a reference point for my ideas, but during this process I decided upon a underlying concept that would feature throughout all the ideas. I decided to combine posters inside posters and have turned corners, as this simply demonstrates a civilian protest against ideals that are not representative of the old age but also shows people covering up views and stereotypes. To put it simply the ageism posters are pasted over the stereotypes against ageism.

Taking on board the research I undertook on Tony Kushner's perfect protest posters such as it being shocking, clever and its meaning is instantly intelligible. But also keeping in mind Steven Hellers view of protest posters having no set formula. I sketched the ideas just play with basic form of each idea to see which may work and what wont. From research I also discovered that symbols in particular play a powerful role in protest movements, so I had the idea of taking a stereotypical object of old people. And similar to the concept in the poster of people covering up views and stereotypes, I placed a cross over a walking stick. 

Once I had a rough idea of what I wanted to work on in illustrator I decided to choose a colour palette and type to work with. When considering colour for the campaign I aimed to contrast to the colours associated with old people, so mainly beige. When researching into products which step away from stereotypical aesthetics associated with older people, the common trend that featured throughout was bold colours which contrast to dated and dull colours normally used. Therefore I wanted a strict colour palette which you normally wouldn't associate with old people, so I used the Age uk logo as inspiration. Using the blue and orange of the logo as the colour palette helps keep the campaign consistent to Age uk, but also helps instil feelings of vibrancy which is an aim of the idea.

For the type I was influenced by typography normally used during protests, so clear and impactful type that normally is hand rendered. I thought of using a stencil type but I felt the connotations surrounded with stencil type such as street art wouldn't help having an immediate impact on the viewer. I experimented with a number of sans serif typefaces such as GT Walsheim, Hellix, Maison Neue but one that stood out was GT Pressura. The condensed sans serif alludes to a scientific background but with its rounded corners it shows a soft and friendly side in larger sizes. The ability to have a large display type which has subtle characteristics to it suits the idea I believe.  GT Pressura Mono is also a clear and bold option that I used as it has a certain protest feel to it when typeset correctly.

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