Friday 12 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio brief 02 - Idea development

One consideration which was highlighted in feedback was to think more about the tone of voice and message of the idea. The message aims to play the stereotypes, experiences, skills and knowledge of old people by using negative words used to describe old people and challenging them. When brainstorming messages during development I thought of the voice of old people, and how to portray this through bold slogans that arouse emotion and be instantly intelligible. As I looked into protest posters in research I understood that combining text and imagery in certain ways will immediately have an impact on the viewer. Therefore I used my research to this point and what I discovered about stereotypes to create slogans and messages, that aim to instil images of vibrant, engaged, funny, feisty, perceptive, talented, passionate, compassionate older people.


'We are not a drain on society'
'We have seen it all'
'We are not what you think'
'We are not : Grumpy + Sad + Frail etc'
'We are skilled, we are wise, we are fit'
'Age is not a predictor of performance'

Using 'We' suggests a groups view which can range from 50-100+, then the messages play with the words associated with the older generation and how these stereotypes can harm. The slogans are also defiant as 'not' is used throughout to make people leave labels behind.

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