Monday 8 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio brief 02 - Ideas

Although I consider the self initiated brief an idea in its self as a solution to ageism. Nevertheless I needed to explore and apply appropriate practical and conceptual approaches to self determined ideas/concepts/solutions. The brief along with research guided my ideas as each idea is distinct yet common in what they aim to achieve. The aim is challenge the views, stereotypes and perceptions and not only because they are incorrect and damaging. Its because society must move on from stereotyped views that condition how we think about our ageing population, as ageism is something society must come to terms with. To put it simply my ideas and motives are all about being pro-ageism and making people aware of our ageing population. And standing up against stereotypes that compromise old people.

Idea 1
Using sms language to change the perception of old people. The challenge is to change the perception of our ageing population through awareness/protest so if the message of the protest was communicated through texting language, then it makes people think of old people in different light. Its abbreviations and slang commonly used with mobile phone text messaging, but sometimes used with other internet-based communication such as email and instant messaging. These are ways of communication often people think old people are obsolete from. As society is failing to value and harness older people’s skills, knowledge and experience, then the message in a more 21st century manner may make people think otherwise. The message itself throughout my ideas remains the same but the context in which it is presented changes. For an example 'Old ppl r not a drain on society' or a more humorous option which considers what old people are perceived to do and puts a spin on it. Such as 'Omfg just missed the bus to the bingo'. This is a more tongue in cheek way of communicating ageism but plays on the stereotype which is a consideration for the brief. The forms this idea could vary but the best solutions I believe would be large scale prints which take inspiration from work such as Anthony Burrill.

Idea 2
The second idea is more assertive its in message as it speaks from old peoples perspective in all traditional forms of protest. From this the range is extensive and true to act of protest as the outcomes would be a series of posters and protest placards. Again the message would be similar in terms of content such as playing with the stereotypes, experiences, skills and knowledge of old people but not in sms language. The idea combines type and illustration to actively aim to change perceptions of the elderly. As old often conjures up negative images and words, the idea challenges these views and aesthetically the idea would conform to traditional protest style, with bold type and colour. Meanwhile the illustrations would aim to show stereotypes but in a humorous tone. This idea aims to instil images of vibrant, engaged, funny, feisty, perceptive, talented, passionate, compassionate older people. Older people who not only have experience but still seek it.

Idea 3
The last idea aims goes into more depth by making the protest more personal as it'll be focused on individuals with stories that you wouldn't expect from an old person. The stories would be fiction but take inspiration from experiences all old people would have encountered during life. Such as WW2, the rise of technology and numerous governments. This idea would highlight the experiences the older generation have lived through and would be best suited to short films that would be aired on tv and social media. The stories would allow people to leave labels behind and recognise the wonderful diversity that advancing age can bring to society, the economy and individuals themselves.

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