Tuesday 5 January 2016

Study task 08

Typography and Typesetting is used in various forms by modernists and postmodernists designers. Modernists tend to use alignment, grid systems and the use legibility/readability ensure that information is communicated to the highest standard. On the other hand Postmodernists are more interested about how the words are expressing the meaning on the page. The two contrasting designers we looked at were Massimo Vignelli and David Carson. 

Above is a piece of work created by Vignelli, it is very clear this piece is sticking to modernists fundamentals by having a flush left alignment and using a grid system, it has legibility as the reader is at ease when reading the text. 

This work is designed by David Carson,He believes typography is a form of image and aims to break the rules of graphic design. Expression is key and appearance should communicate more than the words do.

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