Monday 12 December 2016

OUGD503 - Studio brief 01 - Development

After developing the ideas further I wanted feedback on each design so I could take two to further develop, my peers believed that the 7 items idea was engaging but wasn't suiting to the books style as it looked too much like a kids book, I agreed with this point as the book cover design looks like its targeted towards children due to the colours and playful illustrations but this is exactly what I was aiming for, the brief states that the response must have a point of difference to previous covers and my design fulfils this. People suggested to maybe play with the colours but I was sticking to the colours I chose as they had context as I constructed a 1930s palette, other problems people seen with this cover were the legibility of the type on the back of the book. Due to the overlapping illustrations it causes confusion when type is added so this effects the legibility of the book.

Feedback was positive on the the ideas about social class and hierachy in Maycomb as people liked the hidden yet obvious concept, the 30s pattern stylisation received good feedback but one peer said maybe to tone down the colour as its very bold. Overall people seemed to like this idea but most asked if there was another way to illustrate hierarchy and social class. Obvious responses I believe are ladders or family trees to show order so maybe this was something to consider for development. The last idea which is the ambiguous response which shows social class as well as the books setting, when people first seen this design they were drawn in by the complex line illustration but instantly questioned what it resembles.

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