Saturday 17 December 2016

OUGD504 - Studio brief 02 - Site maps

Organising the content of the web app was the next stage of the process, the hierarchy of the pages is crucial as it allows the user to see the information in a organised fashion. By sketching the site maps first it enables you to get a rough idea of the order of the webpage, then from this point you can make small changes and then digitalise the map.

Above is the site map of the web app, the landing page will appear once you sign into the wifi and will only include the Baltic's logo and an enter option. The home page will offer all the crucial information of the web app and presents the user with four options which are tour, archive, shop and cafe.

Below is the simplified and final site map which presents each page in an easier way to understand. The actual structure of the app is basic as it allows any user to find exactly what they want easily, the idea of having the web app stripped back comes from the target audience research which shows a varied audience so it has to be useable for everyone, and having a basic structure achieves this. The start tour page of the site map is the main focus, from here several pages will guide the user through the exhibition, these pages will be easily navigated and vary for each exhibition.

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