Tuesday 13 December 2016

OUGD504 - Studio brief 02 - Idea development

To develop the idea slightly further before I started sketching wireframes and compositions I wanted to answer some questions that are crucial to design process for screen which are Who, Why and What?

Who / this is to identify the user of the web app

Age range?
Age range is varied from 11-65 but the most common first time visitors are mainly 45-54 then most common age group of lapsed visitors are under 11 then regular visitors are aged 20-24.

Is the visitor a specialist in art?
From my target audience research it showed that first time, regular and lapsed visitors know general knowledge of art with first time and regular being considerably more specialist in art than lapsed with only 5% of lapsed visitors being specialist in art.

What devices does the visitor use?
Iphones, Androids and Tablet devices

Is the web app specific to a certain age group or users skill?
The web app will be stripped back and basic so a younger and older visitor could both use it, as they may struggle with a complicated design and user interface. The web app will allow any user to use it as it will be basic even if you have a basic level of using digital devices, yet will make a experienced user of digital devices enthusiastic while using it.

Why / why would the visitor use the web app

Are the users looking for general information or do they need to achieve a specific goal?
By using the web app it acts as being informative which offers information in a more consumer friendly and engaging manner. With the visitor using it, they don't need to achieve a specific goal but the Baltic hopes they achieve a goal with the visitor leaving with a greater understanding of art and a desire to return thanks to the web app.

Is there a specific goal, is it personal or professional?
The web app covers both goals as it is attempting to create a personal link between user and brand and this is a goal of both parties. Its achieving the professional goal by actively enhancing the digital presence in the gallery and reducing paper use by the Baltic.

Is spending time on the interface seen as essential or luxury?
For the visitor its seen as a luxury I believe as it gives another scope of the artwork and artist on show, another reason it is luxury is because it is accessible on your own device within the building. In many ways the web app can be essential but if the visitor chooses not to sign into the wifi and use the web app then it is okay. In the future the web app may develop even more to make it a essential built in part of the visit but at this early stage its an option to the visitor.

What / what information do the users need

Will the visitors be familiar with the brand or subject or do they need to be introduced to it?
Whilst it is retaining its audience, and continuing to be a major draw for tourists to the region, only 11% have been to Baltic before and are returning. What this means is that visitors to the building are far more likely to be either regulars or first timers, it does not tend to appeal to infrequent visitors, or to those who may have visited in the first few months of opening. This piece of information from my research shows that the Baltic doesn't have to be introduced through the web app.

What are the most important features of the web app?
The web app offers numerous important and useful features but the two most important are the personal tour and archive. The personal tour offers information that is bitesize which will be engaging and not too dense, with other content such as videos, interviews and other works by the artists. This will enable the user to interact  (social media) and engage with the Baltic beyond norm. The archive offers an educational route for the visitor, through the archive they can access all the Baltic's past exhibitions and artists which will help the visitor learn a little bit about art and the Baltic itself.

How often will people engage with your interface?
During the visit if the visitor chooses to use the interface then the engagement will throughout the time spent in the Baltic. As its a web app it wont be downloaded on your which free's up space therefore you cant access the web app once you've left the wifi. The content will always refresh on the web app and offer new experiences therefore this will make the user visit more and engage with the interface.

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