Friday 6 November 2015

Interim Crit

For this crit we had to present our initial ideas,type manifesto and reasoning behind choosing the specific typeface to base the designs from.

Above is my initial ideas for the typeface, the feedback I received on the design is that it resembles a modernist style that I'm trying to achieve but also the 'A' breaches the x-height, I would need a big design justification to explain this design so I may have to change this aspect in the design, I'm glad I received this feedback as otherwise I wouldn't have noticed this and made a big typography design error. Other members of the class believed this type would work best as a display typeface, I agree as its maybe too thin to read within a block text.

I received positive feedback about my manifesto and typeface name which was encouraging but having the crit enabled me to add new information such as the typeface is applied best as a display typeface.

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