Tuesday 8 March 2016

Studio Brief 01

To conclude on this studio brief that I've really enjoyed, when it was first briefed I knew I'd enjoy it and be more interested in researching and developing unlike some past briefs. With it being my first live brief on the course it also gave me confidence and made me think more about the process and what is actually being communicated through the use of graphic design, and not just something that looks aesthetically pleasing. At the start of the brief I set the aim of sticking to a timetable of work to help me progress throughout the brief, I feel like I've achieved this aim as I've documented all research, ideas and development even though half way through the brief my macbook broke, for one week I was unable to use any adobe software but this hiccup enabled me to use pen and paper more to sketch some initial ideas and plan my project, so I don't necessarily count this as a problem in my brief, if anything it made me realise to step away from the screen at times to sketch and make notes. I also set the aim of further enhancing my knowledge of the album artwork in graphic design, as it is a interest of mine. I researched into certain artists and designers that specialise in the music industry within graphic design, delving into what inspires them and what processes they take when designing for albums or tracks.I'm happy with my final design I submitted to Secret 7, I believe it communicates The Jam's 'Art School' like I intended to, with the it having connections to the track yet remaining ambiguous.

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