Monday 7 March 2016

OUGD406Studio Brief 01
Final idea & submission to Secret 7

Following on from the critique on ideas it gave me an indication on which idea to submit to Secret 7, I believe the 'Say what you want' idea received the most positive feedback and personally I think it communicates the track in a way I set out to, it has content yet remains ambiguous. Feedback comments to describe it were 'contemporary, engaging and appropriate' aspects the judges of Secret 7 will be looking out for I believe. As a part of the submission you need to describe your cover design in roughly 150 characters, I wanted to include inspiration for the idea along with what is being communicated in the design.

'Don't need permission for everything that you want' 'young words are mumbled' Freedom and chaos working in a combination to communicate this track.

I wanted to resemble my inspiration by using the lyrics that informed this idea, the two sets of lyrics link with the ideas of freedom and chaos which are communicated through the type 'say what you want' and the technicolored lines which interchange between each other.

I went ahead and submitted this design to Secret 7 and hopefully stand a chance of it being exhibited.

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