Saturday 5 March 2016

Studio Brief 02

At this point I've taken research into the development of banknotes along with the cultural history behind currency so at this stage its appropriate to choose a nation to pick for my proposed banknote. When I first considered which nation to pick, I considered which nation I'm solely interested in, and where i'd like to visit along with the culture. Currently I find Japan inspiring, it boasts a culture that prides itself on harmony, balance and exquisite design. Im interested in how after world war two the country experienced western influences and how eastern and western styles worked together not only in graphic design but also fashion.

A Japanese graphic designer has the problem of retaining national pride while incorporating new ideas from outside Japan. Japan has a strong legacy of design from when western influence first arrived, designers such as Ryuichi Yamashiro, Yusaku Kamekura and Tadanori Yokoo managed to achieve a balance between tradition and modernity which set a benchmark for graphic design and has went on to influence many Japanese designers in this field today. Japanese graphic design today is unique in that it unites traditional and modern aspects of design, the design contradicts itself but this is what makes it so unique. The ancient and modern, simplicity and splendour, eastern and western, handcrafted and mass produced, print and pixel. Past, present and future come together to create an exciting visual mix that I find inspiring. I believe that by redesigning currency for Japan that I have more freedom to experiment and mix styles.

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