Monday 30 January 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 01 - Development

For feedback on my ideas I presented them to a crit group, from this I was able to make alterations to the ideas and ultimately pick one to submit. The feedback on the ambiguous response was that it was a designers response, which a designer would appreciate due to its simple aesthetic. Other than that the response is maybe too 'out there', the idea has to be explained and may not catch someones eye when placed on a bookshelf. The social class idea received positive feedback but people said it needed a number of changes if I was to submit the idea. The colour had links to Christmas and not TKAM, maybe using black and white would suit the cover better. People questioned the legibilty of Chitown the typeface I used along with the layout of the type. Other than that people liked the pattern style and links to Maycomb's hierachy. Following the  feedback I decided to choose the social class idea as I believed it was striking enough and could be executed more in production.

The first stage to develop the idea was to experiment with typefaces, above are examples I believed were fitting to TKAM and the 1930s. All are sans serif typefaces which have notable similarities with clean and elegant strokes. Compared to Chitown which is the typeface in the right hand corner, all the options have better readability and legibility so I'm glad I made the decision to change type. After experimentations I chose Niveau Grotesk which I used as the body copy for the book cover.

I changed the colour of the book, abandoning the colour palette I made previously. In feedback my peers mentioned to relate the colour themes of black and white into my book, as one of the books main talking points is black and white people living together. I aligned the type so it is parallel and runs along the ladders. I did this because the way I had the type aligned before this look crowded.

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