Monday 30 January 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 01 - Development

In development I decided to take the social class idea and the ambiguous response forward to develop further as the feedback I received was clear that these two ideas had the most potential.

For development of this idea I changed the illustration pattern to ladders instead of the triangles following feedback, the ladders resemble social class and the need to climb the ladder. I changed the typeface to Chitown which is a 1930s inspired typeface, it has  elagant shape has similarities to art deco typography. For the secondary typeface which is used on the spine and back cover I used Niveau Grotesk which is a geometric form type which is Influenced by classical nineteenth-century typography.

In development I changed the type layout and made a few minor changes to the colour I used. I looked into 1930s film posters for the layout of the type, I replicated the type then placed it below to create a shadow style. Futura is used for it connotations to film posters and the 1930s. 

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