Tuesday 31 January 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 01 - Papyrus ideas and influences

Following research into relaxation methods and reviewing what I find relieves stress, I mind mapped visuals which could be suited to relaxation methods. I found this helpful as it allowed me to conjure up images and words that link to the method. I highlighted clear space, solving problems and creating a ritual as the three most important factors of mine to freeing stress, so I chose these to take forward.
These three methods also created a number of solutions to the brief, as I believed as both contextual and abstract ideas came up.

I undertook research into adult colouring books to get a rough idea of particular popular styles of line drawings that feature. A vast majority of the drawings are of patterns and mandala style artwork, with many having intricate designs that evoke people to spend time and effort on them.

Mood Board

I created a mood board of the words and images I associated with my ideas, I looked at pattern based images and repetitive line drawings. Images of mazes and minimal patterns were also helpful influences as they had clear links with 'creating a ritual' and 'clear space'. Artwork from Felipe Pantone (top left) was another influence, as his pattern based artwork mixes styles and geometric shapes.

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