Tuesday 31 January 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 01 - Papyrus brief research

As the brief states to visualise something that helps with stress and makes you relax, for research I looked into what makes people relax but also little things that help me unwind. When most people think of relaxation, they think of holidays and possibly spa's. However relaxation can be achieved through simple methods such as:

A few minutes a day of meditation can help ease anxiety, research proves that having a positive mantra such as “I feel at peace” or “I love myself.” while mediating works.

Breathe deeply
Taking a five minute break and focusing on breathing, “Deep breathing counters the effects of stress by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure,” psychologist Judith Tutin, PhD, says. She's a certified life coach in Rome, GA.

Reach out
Social media can be used in numerous ways today, including helping stress. Just by reaching out to your online friends you can release your worries.

The brain can’t distinguish between reality and imagination, so visualisation can be a powerful tool to help you unwind in a snap.

Creating a ritual
This gives you a specific time to focus on nurturing yourself and your needs. The key in creating a daily ritual is repetition.

Be in nature
Heading outside can help you engage with all your senses.

Below is a list of simple things that personally help me relax on a day to day basis, some are obvious examples that may help others but these can be personal to me. I believe these relaxation methods can be visualised into a response that is more relevant to me.

Making lists
I often make to do lists to help plan out my day, this allows me to tick off work more easily. Also helps relieve stress as I know exactly what I need to do.

Clearing space around me
Working in a clear environment helps me work better

Satisfying gifs
Watching repetitive footage that is subtly relaxing surpringly works, often these gifs can be found on social media so its an example of social media also helping to relieve stress.

Solving problems
Solving problems such as puzzles and questions can help take me away from any stressful problems.

Below are images and videos I associate with relaxation and stress free

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