Friday 6 January 2017

OUGD504 - Studio brief 02 -  Feedback & Production
I asked a number of peers for feedback on my developmental designs, the feedback was overall pleasing as they liked the stripped back layout of the web app so far but one peer had concerns with the icon size and the type size. I mentioned that the web app is aimed towards all Baltic visitors so that includes the elderly who may have problems with viewing and using smaller icons. Following this piece of feedback I decided to pay more attention to the size of elements. For development I did some research into other icon and type elements in other apps and compared them to my designs.

I scaled the pages to the same size as other apps and the outcome was that my icons and type sizes are actually larger than the ones used in Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. These are three of the most commonly used apps, and ones with a wide scale audience who can all easily navigate the apps. This was a useful stage of development as it made me confident that my design decisions were correct as I was developing the web app, it also allowed me to create a consistent layout style throughout which strictly stood by certain sizes. From this I also noticed and learnt that a majority of the icons are on the right hand side of pages because more people are right handed, this informed my decision to keep the home button on the right hand side of the page but the social media icon on the left, because the home button is more important to the user to allow them to easily navigate the web app.

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