Monday 9 January 2017

OUGD504 - Studio brief 02 - Final web app

For the final web app I mocked the designs into a Iphone vector image in Illustrator to show how the web app would look like once I hand it over to a developer. The content included within the web app is mainly from the Baltic's website along with printed material I picked while I visited the gallery, the research and brief have informed which content to include, keeping it informal and bitesize so the user can consume the information at ease and not feel too bombarded. A simple and clear UI was essential for this web app to work, I approached the designing with the audience in mind and for it to be useable and understanding for all ages.

The opening page aims to be bold and welcoming for the user, using four colours to show and distinguish the available avenues for the user to choose. The aesthetic is simple yet engaging due to the boxes in which the content is placed.

Once the user selects an option the next page will transition, in this case the user chose the archive page. The colour coordination of the archive indicates that the user is on the archive page, it shows content such as the latest exhibitions and the latest digital archive, with images being present throughout to give the user an idea of what to expect. The colours remain simple with the drop down home button providing a bold piece of user interface that is easy to understand.

Ensuring the tour was clear and efficient was down to the navigation bar at the bottom of each page, its simple design makes it easy to access new pages on the tour. By keeping the layout simple, it maintains a cohesive identity throughout which is an essential for this app. When the user is using these pages they are being influenced and learning more than they could just from the artwork itself. The user can access social media easily by pressing the icon to the right hand side, then share the content with others; this is one of the main attributes of the web app as it harmoniously links the users social media accounts with the web app.

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