Monday 30 January 2017

OUGD504 - Studio brief 01 - Penguin design award evaluation

Overall I believe this brief has been a success for a number of reasons. My extensive research into Penguin and the book itself proved to be very informative during the idea generation process which resulted in me having a range of ideas which I could later develop further. In the end I chose the social class and hierachy of Maycomb idea as I believed it was an ambiguous and a response that has a point of difference compared to current TKAM covers. ‘A point of difference’ was one of the aims of the brief and I certainly believe Ive achieved that as the cover feels timeless and can be effective on its own and be eye-catching within a crowded bookshop setting, as well as digital retailers such as Amazon. Another enjoyment was looking into TKAM for a first time, before this brief I’d heard of Harper Lee’s famous title but I’d never delved into it. It was enjoyable learning about the book then creating ideas that try not emulate previous covers, it made a challenge of the brief which overall benefited the ideas.

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