Wednesday 15 November 2017

OUGD603 - Grainger Market identity - Guide development

I began initial ideas for the guide by looking traditional newspaper layouts as I found the composition relevant for the guide. The mix of type and image positioned in a compact way, yet still being approachable and legible was essential for the guide. I sketched basic layouts for the guide but felt the best way to begin was simply applying frames and placeholder text to the grid I made in Indesign. This gave me a basic understanding of how particular elements would fit in and the scale of images and body copy.

The first development with the addition of the copy and selected archive imagery. Gt Sectra is used for headlines that have a underline which shows a clear inspiration to newspapers I believe. I wanted to feature significant quotes, so the type size alteration can be seen to highlight the content. The images I selected were ones that best represented the market through different generations. From analysing them it is clear which ones are from say the 60s and 70s due to fashion.

In this idea the rigid image layout remains the same. However, alterations were made to the original idea such as the headline and body copy type choices. I simply reversed Apercu and Gt Sectra, and from this small change the guide has a totally different aesthetic and steps a way from a more traditional look.

The ragging of the body copy also changes in this idea as indents are used at times instead of line breaks. The body copy is 10pt while the headline copy is 17pt, both these weights offer legibilty but are also suitable for the size of the guide as anything bigger would to overpowering.

Apercu remains the headline copy, while GT Sectra remains body copy for this development. Yet, I changed the size of the headlines and quotes and set them centre aligned to give the design more variety. Once I changed the some copy to centre aligned the rigid image frames look awkward in the space they occupied. Therefore, I experimented with the images using different sizes and layouts which furthered the guides variety and flexibility.

On the flip side of the guide is the map of the market which includes every stall and its whereabouts. For this to work the layout had to be simple and have strict system that would allow over one hundred stalls names to be included. Three columns were used to allow the content to fit in, which also opened up enough space for the map of the market. 

The map was designed in illustrator and replicates one that can be found on the website. Its a straightforward line illustration with low stroke width so it doesn't overwhelm the page. The design also has a low opacity 'Est 1835' background which gives it added character. 

I didn't want the covers to be complex in any way, so I used already existing assets from the guide  and applied them accordingly. The blown up '1835' gives a small insight into the history while the images also show what to expect inside the guide.


Each design has subtle changes which give totally different perspectives to each design. But the one that stands out is the final design with the centre aligned titles. This type alignment brings a more current and fresh approach to the design.

A great emphasis is laid on the markets history with the images and background, so it achieves the aim to inform visitors about the history and heritage of the market.

The overlay cover is the most effective, this is because its simple enough that it can fit in with other printed and digital material. 

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