Tuesday 7 November 2017

OUGD603 - Grainger Market identity - Touchpoints

Now the identity system was designed it was time to move onto the touchpoints, which encompass a visual language that express themselves across all applications.  Whatever the medium I needed to make sure the touchpoints work in harmony, and with the design being the right balance between flexibility of expression and consistency in communication.

As stated in the brief the outcomes should be informed by research into consumers and aim to serve a purpose to help regenerate the market. So from researching the market, its audience and its current design related outputs it is relatively clear what touchpoints are required. They are as follows:

  • Website - The current website is neither use nor ornament as it serves little purpose and is not very aesthetically pleasing. The website should give people a true insight into the market, and with a website being accessible by almost everyone everywhere, it should entice audiences in such as tourists and new business who are curious about the market. Therefore I believe the websites audience is tourists, new business and millennials so the website should give them a reason to come back again and again. This can be achieved through engaging content and inviting interfaces consequently this makes it a necessity for the identity.
  • Guide - A printed guide which will include a list of all stalls in the market and their location within a map, but also a brief introduction to the market will be included. The guide has a number of aims, firstly to make visiting the market for the first time more easier and personal with a handheld guide. Secondly, to inform not only new visitors but also frequent visitors about the history and heritage of the market. This is crucial for the younger generation of visitors because once the older core audience passes, the history of the market may go with them too. Moreover, the market is a key aspect of Newcastle and has been for 185 years, therefore the history of the market needs to be introduced for visitors new and old to fully appreciate the experience. 
  • Tote Bags - For the identity to exist in the everyday and to have a presence in and outside the market the option of ephemera had to be considered. The amount of considerations for ephemera are endless such as mugs, memory sticks and lanyards. However, the few examples I state here are obsolete in the market, therefore I reviewed the common objects in use in the market and decided upon a canvas tote bag. This option may seem cliche as its a go to option for brands today, but in realisation bags are the most commonly used object in the market, seen as it is a shopping experience. Anything picked up at the market such as fruit, veg and flowers can be placed into the branded canvas tote bag which would be handed out free from each stall.
  • Promotional poster campaign - As the city around the Grainger Market has changed so much this poster campaign will aim to reintroduce the market as a hotspot for shopping. The posters will be placed mainly in typical advertising spots such as bus stops, but also on other public transport advertising billboards which Newcastle has plenty of, due to the Metro.

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