Sunday 6 May 2018

OUGD603 - Typeface design - Specimen development

For further development of the specimen I was inspired by traditional forms of publications and books, with a lot of visual inspiration being Victorian era design.

When considering the form of the specimen I was focused on how specimens were presented before they were used as a commercial product. It made me think of traditional forms of design and communication, which led me to consider using newspaper for the specimen. Newspapers have traditionally been published in print, and usually using cheap, low grade paper called newsprint. They were developed in the 17th century, as information sheets for businessmen and I believe are a good way of presenting Dobson. Additionally, with the type being a display type I think it is suiting to have it presented in a newspaper, as headline/display type is most prominent in newspapers.

I looked at newspaper specimens for inspiration with the black and white type being seemingly more prominent in newspaper print.

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