Wednesday 17 February 2016

Studio Brief 01
Album cover inspiration

For inspiration I looked at album artwork belonging to labels and artists I was familiar with, I did this because it is easier to understand the artwork if I'm a regular listener to the music. I explored at how certain tracks or albums are communicated through the covers, and what makes stand out from my opinion.

This artwork is from German music label, Magazine. Every release follows the same style which I believe is inspired by editorial design which would be no surprise due to the labels name. The use of white space and exposed content makes these covers very appealing. Barnt, one of the label heads who's style of production has been compared to Bauhaus architecture, believes artwork and packaging is just as important as the music and I totally agree with him because if you've never heard the artists or song before you tend to judge them on identity.

I looked at Phantasy records album artwork style, the label doesn't have a particular set style but all releases are ambiguous to say the least, the use of photography and paint strokes occur in nearly all the covers with the intention to communicate a darker style I think.

German label Innervisons, feature instantly recognisable colourful and abstract artwork and every year the label changes its artwork style by only releasing the tracks artwork as a set, so all the selected releases have a similar style. All of Innervsions releases rarely have type involved, its down to the imagery to communicate and express the identity of either the label, artist or tracks.

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