Tuesday 17 April 2018

OUGD603 - Left Bank Opera Festival - Idea development

For idea development I put some early ideas down in very rough sketch form to get a feel of where the idea is at. Additionally, I looked into colour theory surrounding Asian opera and how colour can play a part in the response.

The sketches explore the idea of combining imagery of opera with illusions contained within shapes. I felt this was the direction of the idea, keeping it simple and impactful with colour and clean shapes. In development I aim to create a library of vector shapes influenced from Asian opera masks which can be applied to a number of ideas. The shapes will most likely help to form illusions within the design but can also frame potential imagery used.

The colour theory I looked at is inspired by Chinese opera masks which each represent different personalities and characters. The masks themselves are a key characteristic which contrasts massively to western opera, so helps to communicate the tension between east and west opera. In Chinese opera colour takes the audience on a magical journey where it not only lights up the stage with an array of radiant hues, it also stirs up specific emotions and allows the audience to feel and understand the story being told.Colour is used to quickly connect the audience to each character’s traits. In fact, the audience often feels such an instant and intimate understanding that its said  that the colours are the characters.The dominant colours used are red, purple, black, blue, green, yellow and white.

  • Red is used for on masks to indicate a positive character and it can also mean prosperity, loyalty, courage, intelligence and heroism. 
  • Purple is sometimes used as a substitute for red. In its own right, purple can represent justice and sophistication.
  • White and black means the character is neutral.
  • Blue is also an indication of neutrality. In addition, blue can show stubbornness, sstuteness and fierceness.
  • Green shows that the character is violent, impulsive and lacks restraint.
  • Yellow tells the audience that the Character is cruel. Yellow can also mean evil, hypocritical, ambitious or sly.

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