Thursday 12 April 2018

OUGD603 - Left Bank Opera Festival - Research

Research into Northern Opera Group was crucial to understanding the group and its audience, additionally it allowed to look at visual examples they've used in the past. The groups principal artistic aim is to bring a wide range of productions and experiences to audiences, and in do so championing composers and operas that many may not have heard of before. They like to involve the community to take part in opera and discover its extraordinary variety, passion, and excitement. Past shows have included The Wandering Scholar by Gustav Holst and Clifford Bax and Cinderella by Pauline Viardot. For some visual reference to what style the Northern Opera Group normally use I looked at these productions promotional material.

Both are totally different in style but still shout theatre for me. Both have vector illustrations of characters along with custom type suited to the respected productions. From these examples it seems they have a preferred style which is commercial, so I'll take on board what they normally are accustomed to and see how I can adapt to that. 

I looked into last years Left Bank Opera Festival which had The theme of 'Great British Opera'. The festival was concerned with what British opera is? and what are its distinctive characteristics?. From what I found they only seem to have one image to represent the festival on a whole, which is a distinctively medieval looking image. Its a striking image which is defined by the use of props and lighting which give it a dramatic look. 

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