Sunday 22 April 2018

OUGD603 - Left Bank Opera Festival - Evaluation

To conclude on Left Bank Opera Festival which has been a really enjoyable brief due to the fact its contrasted to the other briefs I have undertook this year. Contrasting in a number of ways such as working to a tighter deadline with no lenience. This was unusual for me as the majority of my briefs this year have enabled more leniency in terms of set deadlines. This is mainly due to having self initiated briefs and extended deadlines, but Left Bank Opera Festival gave me a quick turnaround which I believe enabled me to create more relevant and tailored work. Additionally, this made me seek more feedback and experiment with my ideas as normally creating self initiated work can create complacency in my practice. In terms of the final outcome I am pleased with my submission as it answers the brief and hopefully will attract audiences to the festival. However, what I am more pleased with is the process undertaken to achieve the final solution to the brief. It required refinement which in turn allowed me to mix up my process, as the main visual of the final piece is simply a spiralled piece of paper which I vectorised in Illustrator. To look back on this process, I believe it gives the solution more rigour and quality. So in terms of what went well, then I'd say the process was my most successful aspect of the brief, along with hitting the deadline much earlier than expected. However, for what didn't go so well then i'd say maybe extending the range of the idea would of been beneficial to me and the brief. Nonetheless, the brief was rather vague with them only requiring an image which can be used for the festival. Yet if I am lucky enough to be awarded the brief, then this would present me the opportunity to extend the range of the idea.

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