Thursday 8 October 2015

Collabrative Branding

Today for Collaborative Branding we were able to piece together our ideas and decide upon a final rebrand for Crosswater. So in this blog post I'm showing the various ideas we have, the strengths and weaknesses of each one and ways in which we designed them.

This was the first idea we had, even though the brief stated we were solely aloud to just use type, the logo you see above the type is actually a customised 'X'. The 'X' symbolises the cross and the small water drop symbolises the water. The type is in futura and we wanted to have large spacing between each letter to communicate calmness and a flow, like water. If the space between each letter was subtracted the logo would look too compact, and that is not the style we wanted. One weakness of this design could be the symbol dominates the logo itself, and seen as this is a type logo project that could be a problem.

This logo is the simplest one we designed by far. Its very basic,just the one colour and we used kerning to subtract the space and make the logo tight. I think this logo stands for strength but that isn't something we were after, the kerning makes it look to compact and we wanted a flowing logo.

We developed the idea and by changing the colour to a softer grey it made the logo less 'impact', we then added a water drop where the full stop formally was. Simpsons and Bauhaus were positioned below the type to incorporate the other brands within the company. I really like the colours in this logo,altogether I think just two shades of grey are used so it complements the design really well. We thought a tonal grey block background would also help bring out the logo, which in a way it does but I prefer the flat design which has a white background as you can apply it anywhere.

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