Tuesday 13 October 2015

Design Principles

Today we were briefed about module OUGD404,which is design principles. We had a small lecture about Gestalt's principles in which I took some notes and in this blog post i'll discuss them.

Gestalt psychology
Shape form and defining an area of physchlogy that aims to understand our ability to perceive and organise the world. Our perceptions can be more than merely what is presented, essentially we make more sense of the ambiguous. An example, we attempt to define an object by observing its outline rather than ommdetialy examining its constituent parts

"the whole is other than the sum of the parts”
kurt koffka

Our instinct is to follow something what we perceive to be a line or path.

Law of pragnanz
People will perceive and interpret ambiguous or complex images at the simplest form possible.

Closure can be thought of as the glue holding elements together. its about the human tendency to seek and find patterns, to understand. The key is to to provide enough info so the eye can fill in the rest, if too much is missing, the elements will be seen as separate parts instead. 

Symmetry gives us the feeling of solidity and order which we tend to seek. it is our nature to impose order on chaos. this principle leads us to want balance in composition 

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