Saturday 17 October 2015

Brief / Research / Influences

This brief is to design a set of logotypes for a rebrand for a company of my choice, the only two limitations are the company has to have a shop/restaurant in Leeds and is nationwide, and you can only use type therefore you need to experiment with scale, stroke, spacing and contrast.

The company I have chosen is Zaap, a thai street food chain. The company is relevantly new with only two restaurants nationwide. However this is the reason I chose to rebrand them because people don't have a perception on them yet, I believe it'd be easier to have an open mind on rebranding something without a reputation yet.

So who are Zaap? "Starting a thai street food revolution" these are words taken from the website, they aim to make thai food available to the masses so that somewhat covers the target audience. Anyone interested in Thai food will be drawn towards Zaap thai. Zaap currently doesn't have any competitors in the Thai street food market but similar competitors could be Yo Sushi and Wok&Go but I think Zaap can differentiate from these and have its own asian street food gap in the market.

When I started thinking about the rebrand, Asian lettering,symbols and signs came to mind straight away. The bright neon lights found in Hong Kong and Tokyo which have always interested me were  an instant influence. I looked at minimal Japanese graphic design as well to seek influence.

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