Wednesday 5 October 2016

OUGD504 - Studio brief 01 - Research

'Why Photo Zines Are More Important Than Ever'

When researching for this brief I stumbled across this article from Vice on how important photo zines are today, I believe this links to the brief in terms of me producing a photo book so I decided to read the article to gain a further understanding.

The article starts with what is considered a zine these days and where the line gets drawn when considering what one is, I believe zines have had to become more diverse because in a time when people can get all their news and scroll through a million pictures before they get out of bed, its more about finding like minded people and communities to discover these diverse zines / photobooks. Once a community is found, artists find zines more connecting than say a published book would be to an audience. Zines can be a way of exploring more experimental ideas or act as sketches for something much bigger in a cheap manner, they are inexpensive to produce normally down to cheap stock and basic binding methods used to produce zines. Also cheap production rates are down to accessibility to  printing technologies, with practioners taking advantages of this and making the zine have a resurgence. This is a helpful point to take on board as if I was to produce a zine, production costs  be would low.

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