Monday 3 April 2017

OUGD505 - Studio brief 01 - Feedback

After I sketched the initial ideas I required feedback to allow me to develop some ideas further. I asked a number of my peers for feedback and asked them to look further than the rough sketches and imagine the final piece. I did this because I know myself that the rough sketches aren't the clearest examples of the ideas, but they offer a reference point and aim to give a vague indication of the visual idea.

I introduced all the ideas along with underlying concepts and the event itself so my peers knew the background of my ideas first. Peoples first initial thoughts of my ideas were that ones with 'Long live the 'cosiest cinema' in Leeds were the strongest, this is because they felt the message was celebratory and can stand alone as a typographic approach. The idea which is influenced by old cinema type and signage received positive feedback but people believed it was a obvious response and likened it to Alphabets work for the cinema. Although I did look at the Alphabets work for research, I do feel like this idea can be executed differently, even Alphabets solution for the picture house is rather simple and obvious by being inspired by traditional cinema type.

The other idea using the message that received good feedback was the peg board idea, people liked the peg board informing the design and it isn't obvious until you know. People believed various alterations can be made to this design in development and advised me to take it further, furthermore other visual ideas that people liked was the more contemporary design which used exposed content to highlight the event. Its the only idea with imagery, with the imagery showing the original features of the cinema. People liked the idea of the picture house having a more contemporary solution that makes people look at the cinema in a different way.

Ideas that didn't really take off with my peers were the ones including illustrations of either the cinema reel or the features of the building. One peer didn't see the relevance of the cinema reel while others believed having illustrations of the original features was celebrating something different. While I mentioned that by the council saving the cinema meant in turn it saved the beautiful features of the building. They still stuck by their beliefs that it went off topic and was celebrating maybe the building being granted grade II listing in 1996.

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