Thursday 20 April 2017

OUGD505 - Studio brief 01 - Feedback

I required final feedback on the print to gain an understanding on people perceptions and whether or not people think the design is celebratory and pays homage to the cinema. For this feedback I introduced the research and concept to individual peers so they had a full grasp of the project, therefore they were able to give in depth feedback on each design decision within the print. Also I wanted feedback on the overall quality of the final print so I encouraged my peers to be as critical as possible.

The first peer felt the use of high quality stock from GF Smith brings out the character in the print, but also had this this say about the stock 'The bold yellow stock helps highlight the type but also the informative reasoning behind it, along with the colour theory of yellow being a happy colour really helps make this a celebratory design'

'The message is good enough to stand alone I think and now that you informed me that the cinema has held the title of Leeds cosiest cinema since 1914, I feel as though you celebrate two things in one. Long live stands for the council part, then cosiest cinema for the history and legacy of the cinema'

The feedback then switched to the quality of the final print which was screen printed and my peer believed that the charm of the print is that it isn't perfect. 'The cinema is over 100 years old and yes it isn't perfect, but does it have to be?' Personally I loved this piece of feedback as it made me look at my work in a different perspective. My peer also believed the alignment of the type being a couple of millimetres off added to the design, as they felt it added more depth to the type over the dots.

One critical piece of feedback which I wished I could have received back in development was that the type at the bottom of the page could be more utilized. 'Hyde Park Picture House and 1989 have their own space so they need to be more effective in that space I think'. They suggested that maybe the type could have been similar to the display type by being flush left aligned with bespoke type, but whether or not that would have utilized the space remains to be seen.


The second peer I received feedback from believed the print could celebrate cinema in general. By removing 'cosiest' it would create the message of 'Long live cinema' and although this would deter from the point of celebrating Hyde Park Picture House it would remain celebratory and push the message of cinema. I questioned my peer why they believed the print could celebrate cinema altogether and the reply was 'My initial reaction to the print just reminded me of cinemas and in particular independent cinemas, i'm not sure if its the peg board that triggers me to think of old fashioned cinema boards and lettering but it shouts cinema for me'. This was a really encouraging piece of feedback and then my peer went onto comment that the design doesn't have to be so literal and clear through the peg board design, its more how the message makes you feel. 


For the last piece of feedback I actually contacted the cinema itself to see how they would interpret the print. 


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