Sunday 18 March 2018

OUGD603 - Research led brief

For my research led project for extended practice I'm going to look into the advancements/inventions/innovations of post war Japan and discover the reasons for Japan's economic rise following the war. My desire to research into these topics are stemmed from my longstanding interest in how the axis nations lost the war but managed to excel in technology and engineering, with both Japan and Germany being two of the most innovative nations. Originally, I wanted to focus on both Germany and Japan and how they excelled under constrictions after the war but after some thought I've decided to solely focus on Japan. This is because I don't want the outcomes of the research to have too much of a focus on the axis nations of the war and the war in general. Therefore, I decided to pick Japan as i'm fascinated with the culture of the country and Japan had more of a dramatic postwar evolution than Germany and I want to further my knowledge of it, so hopefully this project will help with this.

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