Saturday 24 March 2018

OUGD603 - Secret 7 - Evaluation

Once again undertaking Secret 7 has been a really nice brief to do as its so open ended. It really hasn't many restrictions so it was completely down to me how much I put into this brief. And as I set a one week timeframe to do this brief, I'm more than happy with the work I have produced. I don't think I'd change too much if I had more time to undertake this brief, so I'd so setting a short turn around allowed me to have acceptance with the outcomes. What I really enjoyed with this brief was physically producing the piece, and having research supporting the production methods. For example in research I looked into the punk movement and its relation to graphic design. This involved looking at the ethos behind it, and how designers approached making artwork for punk bands, gigs etc. So in my work I tried to put many of these findings into practice, such as only using materials that I had around me and picking certain production methods. For the final piece I hope I have communicated the song to the best of my capabilities. And hopefully my interpretation will stand a chance of being selected for the Secret 7 show.

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