Saturday 10 March 2018

OUGD603 - Collaborative blog - Creating outputs

For an additional output we decided to make a small batch of t-shirts bearing the so-so brand. This would push so-so outside of the blog, and be a deliverable which can be representative of us and so-so. We ordered black Gildan t-shirts online which would be screeprinted onto using the university facilities. For the graphic on the t-shirts we decided to use the logo mark, as it more simple and has more of an impact when placed used in this situation. The mark logo was to be placed on the back centre of the t-shirt and printed white for high contrast.

We experimented with numerous sized logos for the tshirt, settling with a larger graphic for the final print.

Screenprinting onto fabric proved to be harder than it looks, with problems such as the ink not taking to the t-shirt as we planned and lining up the graphic correctly. To get around these issues we created cardboard templates which fit into the t-shirt compactly. This allowed us to measure the print more accurately and in turn creating a better product.

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