Monday 21 November 2016

OUGD503 - Studio brief 01 - Ideas

Following on from research into To killing a Mockingbird, I was able to note down some ideas that could be made into visuals I got from either reading key parts of the book or watching the film. Key notes from ideas include:

  • Southern USA map. The location of the film is Maycomb but Harper Lee makes it clear that the location of To killing a Mockingbird could be anywhere in the southern part of the United States.
  • Black and white people living together, as one of the books main talking points is social inequality and race; This is a visual idea I could show on the cover.
  • Hatred, prejudice and ignorance
  • Coming of age
  • Hierarchy of Maycomb
  • Courtroom
  • The items left in the tree
This range of ideas can be made into visuals to experiment with but I wanted to gain feedback on the key notes I made, I asked a number of people who have read the book what they might think of some these ambiguous ideas that step away from the usual To kill a Mockingbird cover. Feedback included that people liked the idea of social inequality and the hierarchy of Macomb being visualised on a cover, but asked how I would do this? Using imagery of hierarchy ladders and triangles resembles social systems so this is one solution to the idea. The 7 items which were left in the tree which symbolise friendship was another idea that caught on, I mentioned the opportunity to use my illustrative style for these items which people visualised and could see it being a effective cover. The main themes of hatred, prejudice and ignorance are ideas I explained I imagine being visualised as a typographic response. People were intrigued by the idea of the courtroom and how I could show this on a book cover in a engaging way, I think the obvious response would be to illustrate typical imagery related to law such as the stand or hammer but I could show the layout of the courtroom in a ambiguous manner.

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