Tuesday 22 November 2016

OUGD504 - Studio brief 02 - Solution to the brief

After reviewing the brief I brainstormed a number of ideas that maybe the solution to the problem in the brief. The brief is all about enhancing the experience of a visitor to the gallery through digital media, so first initial thoughts were about which platform to use; whether or not this is a phone device screen based on walls or projections.

Idea 1
A web app for the gallery that provides the information about the exhibits on show. The information will be bitesize which will be engaging and not too dense, with other content such as videos, interviews and other works by the artists. The web app will guide you through the gallery personally on your own device, offering new insights into the work and overall bringing the gallery into the digital age.

The app will be a web app, which means that you'll automatically be able to use it once you sign into the Baltic's wifi. If the idea was solely an app then people would have to download it prior to visiting the Baltic, and the app would be obsolete outside of the gallery. Therefore having it a web app will make it more effective because firstly you are obliged to open it once you sign into the wifi, secondly because the web app wont take up any storage on your device like an app would.

The information provided to you will be bitesize unlike the in depth information on the walls, it will be brief and informative. The use of videos, interviews and other content such as more of an insight into the artists will benefit both visitor and artist. Firstly through videos and interviews the visitor will engage with the work more, by seeing processes and stories behind the work. The idea of using videos will also push the use of audio in galleries, normally before you enter an exhibit you are offered audio headphones to learn more about the work. Too often the audio is misused or obsolete so by offering the audio through your own device and earphones / headphones you'll be more compelled to use it. It will benefit the artist because often a disconnect happens between viewer and artist, by the viewer having a more personal insight into the artist work such as other artwork, background etc. People will leave the Baltic knowing a little bit more due to the web app. By using a web app it will reduce the use of paper throughout the gallery, handouts and leaflets would still be needed but less would have to be printed as people would take the option of the web app. As an aim in the brief, Baltic aims to be more of a green brand and achieves this through the web app.

A large target audience is reached as anyone with a smartphone will be able to connect to the web app, as the Baltic's average target audience is an age group ranging from 10 - 60 years old its a large audience. Ways in which to reach out to other audiences is social media being integrated into the app, through the likes of Instagram, Facebook and Twitter people will be able to inform others of the visit to the gallery. Seeing the experiences of others on social media may incline audiences to pay the Baltic a visit. Attracting a younger audience who wouldn't normally visit the Baltic is another benefit of the web app, as the younger generation are technology driven today; the chance to view art in a new experience that involves technology is something that'll interest a younger audience.

The whole point in visiting an art gallery is to look at the work on show and not your phone so this may prove to be a weakness but if the work on show is also presented on your phone then it's almost a handheld digital Baltic. This is a weakness because the web app could prove to be distracting but ways in which around this could be having a striped back design that doesn't prevent you from looking at the work on show.

The opportunities for the web app are to include a navigation system, this will help the visitor move around the Baltic better. The navigation will also notice your location inside the building, so the option of the shop website will open when your near, a similar experience will happen when your near the cafe or restaurant. Opportunities to take social media further as well, using a feed inside the gallery can bring visitors together, almost like an online community inside the Baltic.

With people looking down at phones throughout the visit this may cause a number of accidents but as the web app will aim not to distract this hopefully will not occur. For a small minority that may not have a smartphone then they will miss out on the experience which may cause a lesser experience than everyone else.

Idea 2
A digital experience on tv screens throughout the Baltic is another idea to enhance the digital experience of a visitor. Large screens will almost replace the vinyl lettering on the walls to make it more engaging, the screens will be able to show videos and animations.

The screens will provide constant ever changing content for the viewer so it wont be boring and dull, like the web app it will provide the information in bitesize, so it wont be replicating the vinyl lettering on the walls. Like the web app it will also reduce paper use for the Baltic as the information will be predominantly digital.

Aesthetically large scale tv's might look ugly when on walls so maybe having the screen integrated into the wall might be an option. The content on the screens will gather crowds at times but this could be a weakness as visitors will be unable to view the screens due to large footfall around them. Unlike the web app, this option doesn't offer anything personal to the visitor as the content isn't being viewed on the visitors smartphone.

The opportunity to provide on-going content at the same time throughout the whole building is a bonus, this means no matter where you are in the building the content wont be interrupted.

The large scale tv's could prove to be too distracting for the viewer, if the exhibition is small then maybe a screen may overpower the exhibition.

Idea 3
Projections and projection mapping onto walls and objects in the galleries, projection mapping uses everyday video projectors but instead of projecting on a flat screen, light is mapped onto any surface, turning common objects of any 3D shape into interactive displays which will create engagement throughout the gallery. Projections of video onto irregular shapes will create a unique experience for the visitor, something many will have never seen before in a public space.

The projections will show content that has to be a moving image because I believe their is no point in projecting still image onto 3D shapes. The projections will have no purpose for still image as it creates no real engagement other than the initial realisation that its projected. On the other hand if the projection was moving image it would invite people in to take time and view the projection. Having a projection also enhances the opportunities for video, using video for the web app and tv screens limits it to the screen in use but using projections means you can play it onto any object inside the gallery.

Having large scale projections can be distracting outside never mind indoors so visitors maybe turned away from the artwork due to the projections. Also projections work well in the dark but terribly bad when light is introduced, as the Baltic is heavily basked in daylight due to the large windows to help highlight the exhibitions; projections would defunct, the daylight would dimmer the projections causing a faded result.

The endless opportunities of shapes to project onto are the benefit of this idea, the opportunity to cooperate the artist work into the projections is also an option. For example if the artwork on show was sculptural then it could have projections onto it. Picture a contemporary sculpture constructed from metal and plastic then a projection shines onto it to give the work context and meaning that may have eluded the viewer beforehand. This idea can influence a collaboration between the Baltic and artist because it can merger technology and art together.

The projections become overpowering and defeat the aim of the brief completely, content on show may end up be filling pieces and not educational and inspirational content intended. What I mean by this is that video content can only say so much about one thing, and the threat of the projections being looped will cause the viewer to struggle to engage for too long.

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