Thursday 10 November 2016

OUGD504 - Studio brief 01 - Final feedback

Once the book was finished I presented it to my peers in a formal feedback session, this session was intended to give a final view on the finished book and not recommendations on how to improve it further. When I presented it with the group, the feedback was really successful mainly because people believed I successfully managed to stylise the book to attract a particular audience. Comments about the layout and aesthetic style of the book were well received, as I discussed how certain designers influenced the book then people were able to link the influences to my book and see that it was informed. I informed the group on the production of the final piece as well as the reasoning behind each choice for example why I chose to produce the book as a softcover and perfect bind it. The feedback on this point was encouraging as people agreed that producing the book cheaply would make it affordable for the audience intended and that a £8 price point was perfect as the book is on the thin line of 'Publication/book' and would be well suited to an environment such as Village bookstore or Magma. Negative feedback I received was about the end page of the book, my book ends disruptively with no blank pages to allow the reader to ease out of the book but the disruptive ends suits my book, one peer commented. With my book having bold type and a brash stylisation such as the 'design savvy tacky' front cover and bag, the blank pages suit the style and layout of the book.

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