Sunday 20 November 2016

OUGD504 - Studio brief 02 - Only talk

We had a visit from award winning design and strategy studio Only, it was an interesting talk as they initially started by talking about common misconceptions of digital design and how people often think you have to code to be a digital designer, when you don't. 'It's not proper design' and 'its boring' are other misconceptions of digital design, Only made it clear that digital design gives the designer endless opportunities to create and allows no restrictions due to a constantly evolving area of design.

Digital design is now the primary way of consuming a brand as its the first point of contact, Only showed us their phases when producing a digital solution to a brands needs. The first being research, looking into the user of product and creating personas is a crucial part of research as many times it gives the answers to the problem. After research wireframes are mocked up to give the designer a feel of the work and to get a rough idea of what it'll look like in sketch form, then once this is completed Only develop these in the design process. Front end and testing follows to complete the stages, learning how a digital design studio work was helpful as it'll help me plan out my work for this brief.

Once the talk was finished they allowed the class to ask a number of questions, one of my peers asked the question 'Does the studio have an overall aim when creating a piece of work' the response was that Only create digital responses that are accessible for all audience and that anyone can access the content, so this would be classed an aim of the studio. I took this on board as an aim of my own for this brief as I want to create something that is available for all. Other helpful things I learnt from this talk was that space is important when creating digital designs because it helps you distinguish content more and Adobe have an app that allows you to view design on your handheld device.

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