Friday 23 February 2018

OUGD603 - 27 Club - Evaluation

This was a very short but rewarding brief as I allowed me to step away from bigger briefs for a few hours to create work for a very open brief. Before beginning the brief I knew I didn't want to spend too much time undertaking it, as I chose to do it as chance to just experiment and maybe have the chance of exhibiting work. I had an idea from the beginning which enabled me to skip past deciding on what artist to focus on, and just generate some ideas relating the brief and research. As in the past I've done briefs similar to this such as Secret 7, when I've wasted time doing unnecessary research and development. This time I wanted to focus on the core of the idea then quickly generate ideas while making sure the relationship is clear for the judges looking at the work. Skipping unnecessary processes allowed to me also stick to my original plan of completing the brief in two days, which Im happy with as i'm generally content with the submissions.

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