Thursday 22 February 2018

OUGD603 - 27 Club - Research

A good way of generating ideas in research was to look at visuals relating to the Robert Johnson (club) and this ranges from the interior design, posters and album artwork. Therefore, I continued to read articles and interviews about the club which led me to discover the designer responsible for the clubs visual output.

Studio Michael Satter takes care of Robert Johnson's event/listings posters but also recently rebranded the club. In the varied outputs for the club the studio uses strong concepts and in clear and simple designs. But when looking through the archive of work produced for Robert Johnson, the subway series of posters with a childish playful aesthetic stood out for me.

The simple drawing accompanied with strong typographical layout and execution creates a desired and engaging effect for the poster series. This style is an option to experiment with in idea development as the style is a recognised aspect of Robert Johnson.

'Come On In My Kitchen' the book provided even more of a visual insight into the club as it has an assemblage of images and texts, which explain and sometimes glorifies the history and future of the club.

The clubs website is stripped back and characterised solely by typography, with Landnáma by Or Type being used for the body copy but its also the logotype of the club.

Resident advisor proved a good resource for giving me visuals of inside the club, as a number of featured articles have great photography of the club. Examples below:

Drink tickets at Robert Johnson read: "Alcohol and nicotine takes out half of humanity, but the other half dies off without Schnapps and a smoke."

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