Tuesday 13 February 2018

OUGD603 - Grainger Market identity - Promotional poster development

The poster campaign will aim to reintroduce the market as a hotspot for shopping therefore they need to sum up the strategy and new identity subsequently engaging visitors and shoppers. It needs to be simple and straight to the point while aligning with the other touch points of the brief. The copy of the poster is the tagline 'One city under one roof' and I wanted to carry on using archive imagery in the posters to help connect with the identity and strategy.

For inspiration I looked at promotional poster campaigns to gain an idea of positioning of content and logos. Of what I looked at, most are simple and to the point with a hierachy with short copy accompanied with bold imagery.

I began the design of the poster by playing around with numerous typographical alterations of the tagline. I used the guideline typefaces along with the logos type which is Central Avenue to see which one works best. I felt Central Avenue worked best as it catches the eye but also the persona of the identity. In terms of the layout from experimenting it was clear that a simple typographical composition would allow flexibility for the placement of images. The other alterations such as the ones scattered across the page maybe illegible for the viewer, instead it should be high impact with a structure.

I decided to take forward the idea of the simple type hierachy set in Central Avenue. I then played with scale of the type along with adding a duotone archive image to get an idea which type layouts allows flexibility for the addition of images.

The image was duo toned as it helps refresh an old on image but also remains consistent by using the guideline colours. Duo-toning images also sticks to the subtle mix of both classic and contemporary will that will help connect, adapt and reflect to the broad audience, but also the diverse spirit of the market.

Instead of having a full bleed image I aligned the image to the grid as well as the body copy and logos. The negative space highlights the tagline but also the duotone image.

From feedback people said the poster looked too flat and suggested maybe the images you place could play a bigger role in the design. I had the idea of singling out people in each image to highlight the history and heritage of the place, but to also correlate to 'One' in the tagline. The singled out idea also shows the history within the present (the present being the duotone) and how you don't have to completely wipe away the old to start a process of renewal.

I experimented with colour when singling out the people but felt the greyscale worked best as it contrasts better and fits within the old and new idea.

The image above shows the potential range of the poster with different images and colours.

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