Monday 19 February 2018

OUGD603 - Grainger market identity - Evaluation

To conclude on the Grainger Market identity which has been a time consuming yet rewarding brief to undertake. The time consuming factor of the brief occurred because I undertook this brief to test myself at a broad identity project that would cover numerous deliverables. Another reason was that context of practice halted this brief at times which made me go well over my original timeplan. However, I seen this time away from the brief as beneficial as it permitted me time to collect research and strategy then apply to ideas in accordance.

I do understand that in industry I wouldn't have this time to collate all the relevant information and ideas, but by doing this it let me consider the process more which will benefit me upon graduating. Also I feel the brief made me consider research and strategy more than ever as I decided to create a variety of deliverables, across both digital and print. By creating more it spread the project which needed a strategy to keep it together so time spent researching benefited the identity in the long run.

Looking back I feel creating an identity for something I'm familiar with and care for really pushed this brief. The market is part of Newcastle in many ways, but I couldn't just approach it from my perspective. I had to consider the whole picture, which again leaving the brief for some time allowed me to do. Each response answers the brief and helps reflect and serves a purpose to the consumers within and around the market. From what I've created I believe I have given the market a more appropriate image today, which will help it strive.

To conclude on what went well and what didn't. Firstly, having a strategy in place kept the project in place so this is something to consider for future projects that may not necessarily be branding. What didn't go great was the time planning which was down to deadlines elsewhere, but also maybe because this is the first brief of extended practice so it is down to adjustment.

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