Thursday 23 March 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 01 - Display Wizard research

As this brief requires me to design for my university/college I found it necessary and relevant to look at other design work for universities which I like. It isn't necessarily relevant in terms of what I need to produce exactly, but it is helpful to look at how designers aim to represent core values of certain universities through print and digital media. I looked at University of Suffolk's and Goldsmiths who have both recently been rebranded by Leeds based studio Only.

Above is the identity for one of the newest universities in the UK, University of Suffolk. Similar to LCA the institution recently gained independence and met the criteria for University Title. Only studio were commissioned to create a bold and progressive identity for the new University. The brand was to reference 'change' as a theme central to the institution's core proposition that of a new university for a changing world. I think Only created a bold, contemporary and flexible identity with a clever reference to the University's location in the South East of England within the logo itself as they use an angle in the design. I like this particular attention Only pay to clients, such as the recent project they did for Printworks in which they cleverly created an identity that had clear roots within the Printworks building and history. This is apparent yet again in this identity for University of Suffolk as the angle is utilised across various design such as the in bottom left hand corner. Again the angle is used in the bottom right hand corner but this time used within photography to create a visually striking poster. This is similar to LCA mosaic, both universities use a versatile symbol across a number of outcomes. What I can get from reviewing this identity is the consistency within all the designs which is ultimately down to the typographic applications, simple colour palette and the angle icon which is so simple yet so adaptable. These three consideration together can result in innovative design which I can push forward in this response for Display Wizard.

Only studio again but this for Goldsmiths in London, Only were tasked in creating the website for Goldsmiths who recently had a identity overhaul. 'We started by mapping the range of informational possibilities, considering the message, who it was for, how it would be accessed and where it would be seen' This quote is from Only's website and is important because they talk about the message and who its for. This is relatable to the Display Wizard brief as I need to fully consider who the banners and pop up stands are for and what they are aiming to achieve. One design element I like from the website is the typographical application, the type is incredibly engaging due to the positioning, colour and small underlines.

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