Thursday 23 March 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 01 - Display wizard development

In development it was time to select ideas to further develop, from feedback and personal preference I chose LCA map, imagery of studios and workshops and infographics. These ideas would visually represent the social and cultural benefits of LCA being a specialist college with outstanding facilities and creatives all around.

LCA map
With the LCA building of Bleneheim walk only being small compared to other university campuses it allows all the students to work within close proximity, and unlike other universities you will work alongside creatives all day. In some cases other universities have mixed campuses buildings in which a graphic design student could be placed next to a chemistry student, their is no relevance for either student but here at LCA everyone is a creative in one way or another, so you can benefit from working alongside eachother. Therefore for LCA map idea I had the idea of highlighting the building and how students work alongside each other, ways in which to communicate this are:

  • Size of building in sqm and how many creatives are within the building in sqm
  • Blueprints of the building to highlight the size of the campus

Imagery of studios and workshops
Imagery of the fantastic facilities available here at LCA may be the best way to communicate a specialist college to people interested in attending the university. Images could show the studios and workshops in use but also show off what is available here at LCA. The banner and pop up stand could potentially have full bleed imagery of the facilities available to communicate the idea in full effect. Type would accompany the imagery to further highlight the studios and workshops and how they are a social and cultural benefit.

Infographics could communicate so much about LCA being a specialist college in a number of ways, so for this idea I needed to select what the infographics would focus on solely. Similar to the LCA map idea of size of building and how many students within building was the focus but this time through graphical elements.

Feedback on these more developed ideas was similar to the last feedback I got as people believed the three ideas could potentially be blended into one, as they are communicating the same thing.  The ideas definitely have the potential to link together as the infographics could potentially be of the LCA map with the use of imagery adding to it. The delivery is the key to successfully communicating a specialist college though, as to many ideas in one may deter the original message.

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