Wednesday 8 March 2017

OUGD503 - Studio brief 02 - Group meeting

After presenting and collating all our individual research we all felt it was time to start thinking about the concepts and ideas for the brief. We all agreed that we have to have structure such as an objective, message and tone of voice to successfully communicate Parisian youth culture.

We noted down key points for objective, message and tone of voice which were informed by our research:


  • To represent the new Parisians and show how youth are pushing back against the weight of the historic capital.
  • To show another side of Persians
  • Make people acknowledge Paris as a upcoming youth culture city
  • To be heard
  • To step away from typical Parisians beliefs and traditions
  • To change perceptions of Parisians
  • Be diverse
Tone of voice:
  • Typical Parisians are abrupt and complain too often but the new Parisian wants to step away from that.
  • Open and not confronting
  • Open to all languages 

We set a time plan until the 10th March which was our next organised meeting, with set job roles for each member of the team, Joe was eager to begin initial sketches so the best option was to base the sketches of the imagery we were looking at such as Pigalle basketball court. Ben's role was to develop concepts and almost make a manifesto, my job was to develop the objective, tone of voice and message. After the meeting we booked a print slot for the 20th and a photography studio on the same day so we could have professional standard images to submit to D&AD.

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